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Throughout time leaders have forwarded the course of history. However, most were caught in the story of their historical era. Great leaders — those who have changed the course of history — transcend the given reality of their times with penetrating vision and a sense of connection to a divine source, and hold themselves to a higher purpose. These are traditionally thought of as religious, spiritual or mystical leaders. We situate our Leadership Program from the view of the deeper, spiritual aspects of the human. Right from the start, this view is front and center.

The Divinity School is designed to transform the way you look at the world, face challenges, and set goals for yourself and others. The program forges leaders who can see deeper into reality, make decisions that benefit the whole, and align humanity with the natural intelligence of the universe. Our faculty, whom you will meet, are cutting-edge scientists, technologists, policymakers, and cultural innovators, but the goal of the school is not to memorize their objective knowledge or adopt their opinions. It is to teach you how to identify the skills that empower them to be original, and then train you to practice and expand your own mastery in them — students master the powers to lead their community in realizing their vision of a more vibrant world.

Accepting 48 Passionate Leaders

Into our inaugural class launching Spring 2025.

About the School

Can Great Leaders Make The Difference We Need?

Today, there's a notable absence of a robust theory of change to guide leaders. It's troubling that previous methods of shaping our human life-world are no longer effective. As democracy gradually turns into a mere semblance of participation, authoritarian regimes are increasingly sought to prevent impending collapse and chaos. On one side, religious fundamentalism and its ethnic-nationalist-corporatist variant, fascism, are gaining momentum. On the other side, technologists promise that AI can evade these threats by providing a truly rational, computational intelligence, free from the human imperfections that lead to ideological fervor.

As human civilization has evolved, so too has our ability to intentionally and creatively design our environment. This creative capacity is referred to as "ontological design," as the worlds we construct influence the type of people we will become. There are three major eras in our world-building activities that will sound familiar to most people: the premodern, modern, and postmodern. In addition, there is a new, metamodern approach. All of these have value, but none are sufficient. World-building is both a collective activity, but this activity is constrained by, or afforded by, the ways in which individual persons conceive of themselves relative to the world-building collective. Each era, therefore, is uniquely characterized.

The premodern approach to world building involved primarily human and animal labor. People understood themselves as (along with the animals) part of the natural cycles of birth and death. There was very little understanding of the individual self. People experienced their individuality as pre-constituted by the collective.

The modern approach to world building is drastically different. Legacy institutions, such as democratic nations, educational academies, and institutionalized religions, were constructed using this approach. It differentiates between mere labor, which involves repetitive cycles leading to no significant outcome, and work, which yields enduring features in the world.

In the modern era, the emphasis is on the differences among individuals, particularly regarding their talents and positions. High-status and talented individuals acquire leadership roles and shape the world for everyone else. These leaders, along with their institution's members, perceive themselves as the source of 'power-over' agency constituting the collective. This is the fundamental world-building power of colonialism.

Postmodernism, exemplified by the response of the 1960s generation in the US, rejects this type of world-building power as the participatory implications of democracy began to be taken seriously. This is the domain of "action" as Hannah Arendt defined it - the participation of people (the demos) in the political sphere, primarily through the hermeneutic processes of speech acts. Action, in this context, is the public expression of one's inner sense or the declaration of one's intentions for the making-of-the-world. Individuals began to perceive themselves as agents who could collectively construct an entirely different world.

This led to significant social improvements through the work of dedicated activists. However, it's becoming increasingly clear that there is something extremely problematic and dangerous about this postmodern turn. It became narrowly focused on dismantling existing structures, while failing to build alternative, restorative, and re-enchanted worlds.

We now introduce the new approach known as metamodernism. The metamodern approach is evident in the concepts of Inner Development Goals, Bildung, the recent shift towards mindfulness, and the increase in therapeutic coaching based on various cognitive stage theories. These concepts are all extensions of the human potential movement that shifted away from collectivist/activist approaches focusing primarily on the inner life of the individual. While these trends are promising, they often focus too much on the individual's interior and lack sufficient emphasis on world-building capacities. Additionally, these movements often avoid leadership and promote a peer-to-peer ideology.

We are also noticing there is a kind of equal and opposite approach emerging, where people are returning to legacy religions. While this is in some sense a rerun of premodern sensibilities, what it shares with metamodernity today and how it differs from premodern religions of yesterday, is its distinct focus on the individual growth, healing, and salvation. Even when embedded in a community church, the self is construed to be a sovereign individual, the locus of self-transformation.

Where do we go from here?

We offer an approach that both incorporates and transcends all existing methods. We believe it's both feasible and essential to develop exceptional leaders whose character and vision can expedite the transformation of collective identities. Like contemporary leaders, they perceive themselves as individuals capable of shaping the world. However, unlike traditional leaders, they recognize that their ability to do so relies on the willing participation of free individuals in a collective. This presents a unique challenge in the history of human culture. This brings us to the core question:

What powers do we need to cultivate in order to lead a population of free and willing participants?

In an era where algorithms are dominating people, and social media influencers, fueled by these algorithms, are misleading people with false charisma and charm— we seek leaders endowed with great character, whose power can be enhanced by clarity of perception, enlightened by inclusive vision, awakened to wisdom, and ripened by passionate conviction. People will freely and enthusiastically recognize those leaders who can see deeper into reality, make decisions that benefit the whole, and can align humanity with the natural intelligence of the universe, whether framed in terms that are physicalist (fundamental laws), religious (divine will), or naturalistic (entelechy of the life force).

How do we create great leaders?

We can't have perfect knowledge of the whole of reality.

Where Knowledge Ends, we rely on belief.

Belief is the Ultimate Source of Power

The nature of belief itself— its essential role in our humanity— is not the same as the belief systems that emerge and evolve in human history.

Being grounded in belief itself, rather than any particular doctrine or dogma, enables people to speak with conviction, to envision more than what they know, to see beyond what merely appears to others, to choose wisely, and to act boldly, with strength but not with force.

Belief lends us courage to endure suffering, to sacrifice ourselves for what matters most, and sustains our love for each other, despite our failings. Belief sustains our love for this world, despite its imperfections.

Belief works with deep time to build robust futures.

The human mind operates in short time frames and discounts the future. Belief connects us to our self in the Future.

The tragedy of our secular age is that we expect our belief to conform to the psychological, cultural, and historical narratives that society produces. These narratives are merely constructs that are easily broken down and abandoned over time.

Still, most of us sense, in silent and solitary moments, a true experience of the timeless that is beyond history and contingency, that is ever-present, always available, and personal.

Belief, therefore, can free us from the tyranny of history and free up spiritual energies, and create persons uniquely positioned to lead from the future.

Our ability to believe has atrophied for centuries.
We can feel how far we are from our hopes, dreams and values.

What if we could reclaim the force that is Belief to create the worlds we actually want?

To Believe Rigorously

Master the Four Powers

Visionary Scholarship

Awakened Perception

Crazy Wisdom

Passionate Action

Agents of

Become a Force
of Nature

We Develop Leaders who Operate in the same Causal Properties of Nature, the Four Powers

Visionary Scholarship


Weave transdisciplinary integrations of philosophy, science, and spirituality.

You can't have a vision of the whole if your education has separated it into parts.

Learn from contemporary
visionaries & modern mystics innovating culture today.

Visionaries come forward when humans are at the cusp of new possibilities.

Participate in Socratic dialogue, competitive debate, and robust critique to polish your own vision.

Challenge your knowledge in order to be direct and declarative about your own vision.

Awakened Perception

Feeling Love

The World is Effortlessly Presenting Itself to You

All things are inclined to appear.

Train your perceptual 'viewfinder' to have more degrees of freedom.

That freedom determines how much reality you can be resonant with.



Sensing Subtle Energy &
Numinous Causality

There are forces in the world that are hidden from most people that directly effect outcomes of actions— train to detect them using your
own subtle energy.

These forces are causally entangled, but not in a simple linear cause - then-effect manner. Learn actions that engage the complexity of the situation to nudge it into a new state.

Get better at paying attention to signal and noise. Noise also carries meaning; it is just "signal that is not yet organized." It's like a flash mob waiting to happen: everything required is already there; only a small action is needed to trigger the onset of a new, coherent performance.



Liberate your Will

The real transcendent category is action.

Not self-realization.

Passionate Action comes from the Will, which is the proper seat of the passions.

Not the psyche. The psyche is the place the Will goes to die.

Divinity School Tracks

The complete Leadership Program consists of four core modules focused on training elite skills (the Four Powers) and one specialization in which you apply these skills to solve real-world problems. Individuals select from one of two concurrent tracks: Horizons of Biological Intelligence or Naturalizing Machine Agency.  Each track offers a unique perspective on understanding the interrelationships between evolutionary intelligence, emerging layers of collective intelligence, and the potentials of getting AI right and the risks of getting AI wrong.

Horizons of Biological Intelligence grounds the inquiry in biological, neuroscientific, and cognitive terms — exploring the new sciences of mind and distributed intelligence.

Naturalizing Machine Agency looks at the landscape from the point of view of LLM’s, AI, and machine agency — exploring semantic vs. computational linguistics, and algorithmic vs. extended cognition.

Mid program, the two tracks meet for an in-person, school-wide symposium, working together to integrate the two approaches into one compelling articulation of the primary directions innovators and institutions should pursue to create the best of both possible worlds.

schedule & full curriculum coming soon
Horizons of Biological Intelligence

This track explores the emerging fields of cognitive science, collective intelligence, as well as synthetic biology that tell us that we may be underestimating the number of possible minded agents in the world, and opens up the conversation to surprising new spaces of research. In this track you will contribute to a compelling vision of how studying the under-explored realms of biological intelligence, especially the aesthetic, ethical, and spiritual horizons, can accelerate human development and restore our relationship to the natural world. Our goal is to redirect government interests and capital investments in research and higher education toward the emerging fields studying and developing the horizons of intelligence.

schedule & full curriculum coming soon
Naturalizing Machine Agency

This track marks the distinction between human intelligence and machine agency, focusing on ways in which to guarantee their alignment. We ask “What applications of AI best serve the lifeworld and help awaken people to the natural intelligence of the biosphere? We address concerns that in the absence of a deep alignment between AI and natural intelligence, AI inevitably will subvert human agency by capturing all our attention, and, as a result,  accelerate existential risk.  In this track you will contribute to the development of an innovative approach to understanding AI not as a substitute or improvement on human intelligence, but as a valuable extension of human agency for beneficial ends. Our goal is to co-create a sufficiently compelling articulation of “naturalized machine agency” that would create new opportunities for the development and application of technology, policy, and investments.

What will I get out of it?

Our program experience is deliberately designed to transform the way you look at the world, the way you face challenges, and how you set goals for yourself and others. You will learn how to transform “problems to be solved” into situations to be assessed, “information overload” into choice fields to be searched, “unpredictable circumstances” into possibility landscapes to explore, and “unavailable means” to goals to be fine tuned. You will learn how to transmute fear, skepticism, hesitancy and confusion to curiosity, trust, enthusiasm, and conviction. You'll have dedicated time to advance your projects and priorities and build collaborations among peers, enhancing your current work.



Understand that we are whole; that the body and mind are one whole, not fragmented; and that people and nature are one continuous whole, not separated in space or time.


Understand that the self is a causal agent in the co-creation of reality, and hence - it matters what kind of self we are.


Understand how to close the gap between what is and what ought to be.


Understand how to shift
from egocentric to allocentric modes of awareness.


Understand the origins of the cosmos are ultimately mysterious, and hence - our knowledge is always incomplete.


Understand the intrinsic sacred nature of the world and other people.


Understand, in a deep intuitive way, the non-duality of life and death.

Bonnitta Roy
Academic Director, The Divinity School

Bonnitta is an insight guide, philosopher, and futurist. From 2014-2022 she designed, developed, and directed the MA Course in Consciousness Studies at the Graduate Institute (now Salem University). In 2022 she launched the POP-UP School where she develops and directs transformative courses such as A New Theory of the Body,Lyric Culture: Ontological Designs for Backloop Realities, and Varieties of Religious Experience. Now this work is culminating in The Divinity School, which offers a certificate course and an upcoming MA in Leadership. Her work is deeply embodied and grounded in cutting edge cognitive science, neuroscience, evolutionary theory, contemplative studies, and metaphysics.

What is the Commitment?

Completing the program affords you a Certificate in Leadership as a first step in what will become a two year MA degree. We require almost 200 hours of live calls and just under 300 hours of homework. Beyond this, students will present a real-world, professional level project at our four day in-person retreat, which is included in the tuition and scheduled at the end of the third quarter before we move into the fourth Power, Passionate Action.

We will  have two days of two hour live calls per week with a four-hour weekend intensive every 10 weeks for each of our tracks. Homework is a mixture of scholarly, practical, and reflective assignments that will require approximately 6 hours per week.

Tuition for the Certificate in Leadership one year program is $12,000.

What if I am too busy?

We encourage participants to apply what they are learning right away, practicing skills in their everyday work and social relationships. As you train at The Divinity School, you will discover more free time and energy than what was available to you beforehand.

So if you have an important project or are involved in a significant undertaking you can relate to the program as a “performance coach” or professional trainer who is actually helping you master your time and energy use.

It may seem like commitment is a constraint on your time and attention. However, the deeper your commitment, the more it affords emergent possibilities — things become possible that were not possible before. Strong commitment from participants allows a deep mutuality to develop, creating waves of deepening intimacy, and catalyzing collective insight. The more value each person brings to the experience, the more value the experience delivers to each person.

How do I get my Masters Degree?

Our team has previously designed and directed fully accredited MA graduate programs. We have designed the certificate program to qualify for credits that are required for getting a two year MA degree. Once you have completed the certificate program, and we have been approved for accreditation, you can begin the second year of our program and submit a culminating thesis or capstone project for final review.

Please note: the accreditation process for new programs may take 3-5 years. Some of the provisions for accreditation may change during that period. Students are eligible for the MA if they have already earned a Bachelors degree at another institution.

On the Significance of The Divinity School

The Divinity School emerges out of the context of late stage capitalism, institutional decay, technological accelerationism and hype, and widespread cultural apathy and mistrust. The Divinity School participates in a renewal of education and leadership, to make both more relevant to our times, both practically and spiritually.

Many of the confusions weakening culture today - e.g. that humans could destroy nature permanently, that being oversensitive and easily overwhelmed is a sign of special insight or character, that trying to create a backup planet is a good use of resources, that it’s possible to live in a world without meaning, or that AI could improve the richness of life on its own - all of these come from bad ideas and bad habits about the fundamentals of who humans are and how we should relate to our communities and environments. Without addressing these basically bad metaphysics and habits of thought and action, culture will continue to be impoverished. But on the other side is incredible clarity, richness, courage, and passion.

The Divinity School is inspired by a future in which cultures are in service to life. With the desire and enduring commitment, our cultures could certainly and quickly reclaim their power to be in service to regenerating the sacred in our lives. This is the most rewarding and meaningful relationship to life that a person can cultivate. We hope you will join us. The future is both yours and ours to build.

Get updates about the Divinity School Leadership Program application periods, short courses, interviews and other conversations released to our list, as well as personal and global insights to support your ability to create more living, sacred worlds. This newsletter is the place where we publish real-world achievements from our students so that you can stay appraised of the edges of innovation in nature-integrated collective intelligence. We also publish opportunities to contribute to projects and join organizations aligned with this vision.

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