Vocational Studio

Empowering Essential Talent To Establish Cultural Revitalization
The cultivation of unity and diversity • participation in the mystery • the recognition that we are nature innovating • the dedication to increasing aliveness • the acknowledgment that any responsibility can be infinitely complex •
The cultivation of unity and diversity • participation in the mystery • the recognition that we are nature innovating • the dedication to increasing aliveness • the acknowledgment that any responsibility can be infinitely complex •

Technology is how the Present becomes the Future

When Technology is designed with particular principals, characteristics, and for the right applications it can lead to increasing reverence, coordination, relevance, and connection instead of alienation and overwhelm.

There is massive opportunity for technology to heal alienating splits in culture including our relationships with; our environments & learning, wilderness & domestic life, civics & belonging, nature & humanity, resource creation & accessibility, human potential & society, etc...

Our Tech Guild focuses on three core pillars of development in alignment with Endemics research programs:

Individual Growth

  • Increases ones ability to recognize what their body is feeling.
  • Helps one track their emotions back to love.
  • Offers improvements for biological state.
  • Regulates the nervous system.
  • Maximizes somatic and more acute healing.
  • Articulates both individual and generational achievements and growth.
  • Talent profiling for capacity, character, desires, needs, etc… prioritized for greatest impact.

Community Development

  • Improve agriculture systems, especially as they integrate with the wild and native ecology.
  • Supports materials innovation, especially in a local context.
  • Set technology into the background of our experiences.
  • Makes legible relevant metadata about objects and their significance.
  • Personalized Information Access and Data Commons.

Healthy Coordination

  • Simulation modeling for complex systems.
  • Transparency in what ones labors benefit.
  • New value measures beyond money.
  • Dynamic structures for value creation / compensation.
  • Project management & governance integrated with authentic curiosity, pleasure, and progress.
  • Identity centric, self sovereign payments and access

Many of these examples aren’t novel in one way or another. Our goal is to support engineers to implement new models and applications that together enhance the Individual, Collective, and Environmental capacity of diverse regions.

Guild Membership

For the next seasons we are co-designing programming for already strong developer communities who align with these values. Through this process we will identify technologists who we believe can be particularly impactful towards applications that we are resourced to accomplish. We are scaffolding the guild to offer a range of support for engineers and teams including; clarifying problem-solution fit & product definition, seeking R/D grants, process design, recruiting research partners, recruiting and onboarding team, wisdom & lifestyle support, resource planning, business model design, adoption strategy, and financing support.

If you’d like us to offer programming in your developer community or if you want to share your portfolio to join our Tech Guild, we are spirited to hear from you and will respond to your interest.

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Art is how the Future Inhabits the Present

Art enables us to individually and collectively orient to the future, and make aligned choices, before it fully lands. Artists serve a visionary social role by expressing beauty and generating novel possibilities in the human imagination. As such, we believe that this quality of expression ought to be supported as a commons.

Art and Design have the capacity to re-enliven and integrate the magical and mythical layers of the psyche so as to anchor and rest the more conceptual and sophisticated layers of knowing and doing upon more foundational psychic strata. A major opportunity of art, and our work together, is to gracefully transition one’s beingness to more wholeness, increase flexibility across separation, integrate new revelations, and build greater capacity to choose what is most meaningful on one’s path.

We are looking to support the creation of art that entrains the higher cognitive functions into an awareness of, and service to, the native truths contained within the sensate body, the imaginal unconscious, and the sacred intentions of the heart.

To empower more of this art, Endemic is programmatically curating artists to vision essential aspects of our emerging world together and create Artifacts as Interventions and Initiatory Journeys that have the power to influence the reshaping of societies.

Guild Membership

For the next seasons we are co-designing programming for already strong creative communities who align with these values. Through this process we will identify artists who we believe can be particularly impactful towards applications that we are resourced to accomplish. We are prepairing cohorts for:

Virtual Art Influencing the Real

Recognizing that broadcast media is often an abstraction in itself from our goal, we want to represent that the virtual can lead to the real and enrich our lives and spirits.We are curating artists that work in a virtual medium, and are already leveraging their talent to enliven connection to the

  • Mysterious, numinous, and real enchanted world.
  • Material & social structures.
  • Collective potential, &
  • Futures that we most want to take responsibility for cultivating.

Music Weaving the Past & Future

Music can reach deep into our motivations, courage, and sensitivity.

As we are discovering new way to be human together we will uncover new cultural rituals that may emerge with new music that helps us to remember where we have come from and where we might go. We are curating musicians who’s music is already a tool for wayfinding and healing alienating splits in cultures.

If you’d like us to offer programming in your creative community or if you want to share your portfolio to join our Artis Guild, we are spirited to hear from you and will respond to your interest.

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Healing is how the Past Becomes the Present

Even as we work on building improved systems for sovereignty, connection, and quality, a significant part of revitalizing society lies in its members making more loving and aligned choices consistently enough to create cultures of trust. Game dynamics suggest that individuals who are 'good' may remain in lower strata of hierarchy. It takes great recognition and courage to commit to getting ones self and their community free from the ‘game’.

Healers of various modalities are well-positioned to awaken perception, increase sensitivity, heal the fractures in our psyche, bodies, and environmental and human relationships, integrate our deep pasts, and preserve cultural memory. This is essential to keep up with and be discerning towards the increasing complexity and pace of the world, and to have the wisdom to be responsible stewards of our community.

Endemic is designing curriculum and experiences that provide healers with the insights and perspective needed to offer guidance in rapidly changing environments and support individuals, especially those individuals with the capacity for leadership, in developing the charicteristics to be healthy contributors to their community.

Healer Mach-maker

Beyond trainings and peer community for healers, we are also offering onboarding for individuals seeking support. There are a few interventions that endemic is creating to increase the impact of healing practitioners work:

  • Increasing the relevance of connection between practitioner and seeker through formative assessments.
  • Increasing the readiness and clarity of a seeker.
  • Anonymously profile individuals for better synthesis of needs, desires, and conditions both personal and environmental.
  • Generating a directory of activities and resources both irl and virtual that can be offered to increase quality of life, local community, and ability to step into unique contributions.

Guild Membership

We are in the process of developing programming and raising financing to develop the Healer Guild. We will be reviewing submissions prioritizing trained therapists to invite into a beta cohort beginning Winter 2024. If you’d like to learn more about the cohort, please submit the form below and we will respond to your interest.

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